*Originally Posted 9-21-11 Part 2*
Another anecdote: Tonight I had my musical auditions. I mean, I only want to be in the chorus, so I don't technically have to try, but I only say that because I know I can't get a part. I'm over it. Besides the fact that my voice gets crackly when I speak loudly, I can't sing in a chest voice to save my life. So it went pretty much as I figured it would: I practice. Oh wow, I'm not even that bad. I'm sure I could get a part if i nailed it and then did my speaking lines perfectly. At least a callback. For sure. I go into the actual audition. *misses every note in the widely popular and very-difficult-to-mess-up song White Christmas* And from that moment forward... I figured I would stick to checking reddit.com every two hours and playing Pokemon with my level 60 Squirtle. I need to stick to that which I am good. AKA Me like computer and game.
On the way home from this audition and a side trip to my friend Josh's house, I stopped at a gas station. For what, you ask? If the answer was not already obvious enough... gas. I went to get gas. However, this trip for imported oil made for my Chevy Colorado was a special time for me. I had never gone to get gas all by myself. I know that getting it is not a difficult task, but mind you, I had just massacred the traditional Christmas song that is played every year on end. Now, what's that you say? Why would I, a person who will be turning 18 in two weeks and has been driving for over two years be just getting gas for the first time? Well, person who seems to know a little bit too much about me, I always let my mom drive the van when it was running low. I was one of them. Now that I have my own vehicle, that is no such option. Long story short, I pumped this gasoline like an absolute boss. I got back into my car and realized something... I had not put my gas cap back on, or closed the gas tank lid. Now I may be many things. But I am NOT the kind of person who drives down the road like a moron with my gas cap open letting all the gas in my car fly free back to its gas country to have the gas life it once enjoyed. I shut those two very necessary lids and drove off, only losing a little bit of dignity because of the trucker on the other side who was silently judging me.
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