1). History of the Rages
First of all, not all rage faces are used to express rage. They usually expose some sort of relatable truth or story. Some are, but most are not. These cuddly little internet icons originated in the 4chan and reddit forums. Usually they are drawn in shoddy programs like paint, but are used effectively to get the point across. The very first meme (definition: an internet image or video that is commonly passed around as basically an inside joke for everyone) was a four panel comic with a simple meaning. Here's a prime example:
The FFFFUUUUU guy began it all. Now, the weird creepy dude is another common face, the troll face, and we will get to that. For the record, knowing about these rage faces is a common thing for nerds on the internet, which is probably 150% why I know about it.
2) Some Common Faces:
There are many faces that show up in a large portion of the comics. They are usually simple and used as lead ins for the punch line. Take a look:
A few more varieties for your emotional needs! The first picture usually goes with a caption that reads, "Everything went better than expected." Then, in order, it goes confident, defeated, pleased in a sense that it could have gone wrong, and finally a face that basically says, "All of my expectations are in the toilet." And last, there are the ones that may not be as obvious, but are quite necessary for what quite possibly be the best comics:
The LOL face, the OMG WHAT face, the forever alone face, I'm a Boss face, WTF am I looking at face, and the troll face. Possibly the most recognizable face is the troll face, which is a symbol of a person playing a trick on another. However, trick is a very relative term...
So basically it's just making fun of someone.
AND 3) Terminology:
You'd think that artwork this rudimentary would not need a new vocabulary to understand it. Really you don't, but there are some words that appear often that may not make sense.
Le. It is just an introductory word. Pretty sure it's French for The, but most of the time that doesn't even make sense.
Also, Derp and Herp. Don't know what to call your friends or place of business in your comic? Replace half the name with Herp or Derp. Derpo Bell? Herpina? All of the above.
Really, I don't have a life.